Latin 1 with Medical Terminology

 Level: 8th-12th grade
Pre-requisite: Basic knowledge of English grammar (subject, verb, direct and indirect object, predicate adjectives and nouns, adjective, prepositions).
Credit: 1 high school foreign language credit

.5 high school science elective credit

Class limit: 10 students
Class minimum: 4 students
Price $35.50 per 2 hour class

16 classes/semester = $568/semester

for a total of $1,136 per year


Note: This is a two-semester class

Payable in 9 monthly payments or 2 semester payments

Thursdays 11:15-1:15

Description: This course reviews English grammar while teaching the basics of the Latin language as presented in The Latin Road to English Grammar,Vol. 1. Emphasis will be on noun cases and declensions, verb conjugation, syntax, derivatives, verb tenses, prepositions, adjectives, dictionary study, prefixes, and suffixes.  The program utilizes word studies from scripture, history, and patriotic and Christmas songs. I have taught Latin 15 years using this curriculum with great success with students of a wide range of abilities.

Medical terminology is foundational for the health professions This class gives students looking toward the medical field a head start in learning the basic concepts of medical terminology and the terminology of disease, treatment, and the body systems. We will use a colorfully-illustrated college-level text that presents terms in an easy-to-understand format with exercises that are vocabulary-focused.

Special Notes on Texts:

(These are student responsibility)

“LRTEG Comprehensive Reference Guide”

 Vol. 1 CD. (Powers Classical School will provide the student text. Student will provide CD and  Comprehensive Reference Guide. Go to

 The student will need an 11-tabbed notebook by the first class.  These can be purchased on the website (“Student Notebook Package”) or made at home.

Texts and Books to be Used

(Good used copies will be supplied by Powers Classical School, and are to be returned at the end of the school year.)

Latin Road to English Grammar Vol 1

Medical Terminology An Illustrated Guide